Lessons On Self-Love - ch1 Conspiracy2

Conspiracy Theories        Continued....

Why would we do this?  Because we decided to go into the darkness, so when we come back to the light, we then can go further into the light then ever before, please see Neil's video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bazD62cIDvk, see below...

If you want proof of this, look at how UFO, turn up at nuclear disasters, and turn up at nuclear missile area’s and follow nuclear submarines.  Because with all the negativity around us, the aliens are allowing us to do what we asked for, but they are only intervening so we don’t blow ourselves up.  Why was the nuclear bomb that hit Japan allowed to happen, during the end of World War II, I guess it was allowed because it helped to stop the war.  

Why else would we decide to go into negativity?  Well for the lessons.  This planet has very hard lessons.  Many souls never wish to ever come here.  So everyone here is very brave.  They say one lifetime here is like a 1000 life times on other planets.  Why not try and accomplish a lot in one lifetime, just to see if you can do it?  

They also say the lessons here are very unique.  Because here we so are cut off from Spirituality.  Other species, even the animals here on Earth, have a direct connection to God, to information, to love.  They never lose their psychic powers.  

How is this done here?  Well we have a slavery system here, on our planet, which has been created via our money system.  They call us the “prison planet”.  Also the Media is designed to be negative, to feed us false information to keep us under control.  To keep power from the people, and give it to the governments.  Why would we need a government, if not to protect us from ISIS, and other terrorist groups, etc., etc.  So now you can understand why our government fund these terrorist groups, and give them weapons.   Just so we the people think we need our governments to protect us from the terrorist, so the government are just creating a reason for its own existence.  The government want us to think we need them, to give the public a justification for the government’s existence.  Then this gives the governments justification to spy on the public, as it is for the publics own protection.  I hope you are starting to get the big picture.

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